Sunday, May 23, 2010


I always really love the whole process of finding or making something special for someone else, and then being able to share it with them. There is something about choosing what to make, or buy that kind of describes or reflects the individual in some way, I find the whole process well.. just lovely. Then comes the wrapping and the best part giving to the individual and seeing the delight on their face. I love that part just as I do when you are able to pass some spare money to someone ese tat might be in need, or have a bill due, or need to get some food for the table. Its kind of like being able to give back in some way for the blessing we have received. What about you? Is gift giving a blessing in return for you too?


  1. I'll tell you my most memorable giving experience :)
    Ashton was around 7 months old, and I was at the shops in Hobart and there was a sign on the door. It was pretty short and sweet, requesting baby items for someone desperately in need. When I called the number I got a lady who told me her daughter who was a young mum of 1 already, was 8 months pregnant with baby boy number 2. Sadly her house had just burnt down and they had no insurance, and bugger all money to buy new things. They lost everything... absolutely everything :(

    I told her I had a little boy who was almost 8 months, so I would go through his things and see what I could put aside. I'd get back to her.

    When I got off the phone I rang Bianca and asked her to go through Drakes things to see what she could spare also.

    Between the two of us we had a lounge room full. Bags and bags of clothes, toys, bouncers, swings, rockers, play centres and mats, jolly jumpers, baby bath, absolutely everything you could think of.

    I rang the lady back and told her that we had quite a collection for her (hehehehe) and she might need a big car with a back seat and boot spare for it all. She turned up shortly after with this tiny hatchback and kids in the back. I couldn't help but laugh. Her daughter walked in and her face was classic! Honestly just shock.

    They had to do a few trips to pick it all up LOL The best part was getting a text message from the young girl a month later, saying she had a healthy little boy (with details of name, size, etc) and thanking me so much for helping them out.

    I can also say that it's all come back :) I've had people step up from the shadows to help the boys and I out when we really needed it. It's all come round full circle :)

  2. I have to also say, I love that gift. My wrap jobs are never that good! My excuse is always that I got the kids to help me ;) LOL

  3. Oh that is awesome Mel..I had tears as I was reading it. You are one special person. Isn't it so true that it all comes back to us!! Blessings in disguise! Love Kath
